Another pleasurable experience: we near there's a car dealer 6 miles away who has a pretty good sec- ond hand Rambler for sale. We'd like to have a car like that just to run around in the general area of the resort. Susanna is driving. Next to me a GG, the wife of a visiting TV. My wife gets off first to call the dealer who is nowhere to be seen. Sus - anna lites up a cigarette and relaxes, enjoying every minute of this scene. Suddenly a bum approaches our parked car...lady--he says--I'm really ashamed of myself. I can bum a cigarette from a man any time, but I'd never dare ask a woman for a cigarette. I say to him, "My good man, you have just met the wo- man who's delighted to give you a cigarette."

I hope I can arrange things at the office so that I can take at least 2 weeks off (probably the first two weeks in August) to spend them at Casa Susanna. I've modernized my wardrobe..and little by little I find myself giving in to the shorter and shorter skirts. I guess one gets used to them and they don't seem so earth-shaking as they did at first. Question: Shall I or shall I not attempt this time the ear-piercing performance? We'll see. I am also getting a new wig...number 6 in my collection... this will be straight hair, medium length, medium chest- nut with a bit of red. Straight hair is so fashion- able these days! And this brings me to the



THINGS I CAN DO WITHOUT. pleated skirts that come one inch below the knees. hardest thing in the world to snorten them!....GG's who swear pants are as cool or cooler than skirts in hot, muggy weather... (they are absolutely insane, hopelessly nuts)... TV's who continue to swear like troopers after they doll up... TV's who love looking like girls but absolutely refuse to do any of the chores that most girls HAVE to do in our present social setup. little things like washing dishes, setting a table.....a bit of laundry...a bit of ironing...and a minimum of sewing ... TV's who make no effort to improve their make-up technique despite years of dressing... TV's who pose

